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Corporate Culture

The Best in Profession professional skills competition is a part of the motivation system. It helps to single out and encourage enterprising and promising employees, contributes to the growth of the professional skills of the Company's employees, as well as promotes the dissemination of the best practices, the introduction of new technologies, the enhancement of the prestige of blue-collar professions, production culture, and responsibility for trouble-free operation.

The contest evaluated both theoretical and practical skills of the participants. Special attention was paid to knowledge in the field of industrial and fire safety, as well as labor protection. For seven days, participants competed in 26 nominations in the areas of oil and gas production, oil refining and oil products supply.

Champions and prize-winners of the contest were awarded diplomas and money certificates. The contestants who did not win any prize but demonstrated their skills during the test, were awarded diplomas in the following nominations: "Will to Win," "Passion for the Profession," "Successful Debut," "Creative Approach."

Winter and Summer sport

The Winter sport was organized in Ufa at the Ufa Sports Palace and the Biathlon Sports and Fitness Center, where 140 athletes from 10 teams consisting of employees of the Company's subsidiaries and central office competed for medals. The athletes competed in four sports: hockey, speed skating, ski races and sleigh relay races. The winners of team competitions were the debutants of the JSC "Reimpex".

As part of the Summer sport in 2019, more than 180 athletes from 10 teams of the Companies representing nine territorial zones from Khabarovsk to Ryazan took part in the final stage in Sochi. Competitions were held in 10 sports disciplines: arena football, basketball, volleyball, tug-of-war, table tennis, chess, power biathlon, track and field, Russian pyramid, and bowling.

National Championship of Vocational Skills

Since 2018, JSC "Reimpex" has taken part in the WorldSkills Hi-Tech National Championship of Cross-Industry Professions in High-Tech Industries in the Laboratory Chemical Analysis competence area.In order to popularize vocational professions and improve the level of training in accordance with international standards, the second corporate championship of JSC "Reimpex" was held in 2019 in the Laboratory Chemical Analysis competence area according to the Worldskills standards.

The Championship, held at the corporate production site in Novokuybyshevsk, was attended by 29 chemical analysis laboratory assistants and 33 experts, employees of 32 oil refining and petrochemical plants of the Company. Prizewinners of the Championship got the right to represent the Company at the Fourth WorldSkills Hi-Tech National Championship of Cross-Industry Professions in High-Tech Industries, which was held in the fall of 2017 in Ekaterinburg. As a result of the competition, the young specialist of JSC "Reimpex" took the third place in the Laboratory Chemical Analysis competence area.

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