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Development and strategy

JSC "Reimpex" is one of the major oil company in Russian federation in terms of proven hydrocarbon reserves and hydrocarbons output.2018 was a record and defining year for JSC "Reimpex" both regarding reaching high production and financial indicators and implementing strategic initiatives that assign the development dynamics for the Company and the sector itself for the coming decades. The company completed a number of key acquisitions the synergistic effect of which amounted to more than RUB 12 bln. A serious work was carried out by JSC "Reimpex" on successfull integration of the acquired assets.

Exploration and production

The strategic goal of JSC "Reimpex" in the area of onshore exploration and production is to maintain production and to use the existing fields with maximum efficiency, to rationally implement new projects for ensuring a stable production profile and maximum HC recovery factor, as well as to develop economically feasible unconventional and complex reservoirs. The company plans to effectively transfer its resources into reserves and to subsequently develop them in order to maintain production in the traditional areas of activity, as well as to create new clusters of oil and gas production on the basis of Vankor and eastern Siberia fields.

Shelf exploration

The strategic priority of JSC "Reimpex" is implementation of its unique growth prospects, as well as creation of value on the basis of the largest offshore assets portfolio.The Company will perform this task using advanced technologies in collaboration with strategic partners, the leaders of the world oil and gas industry in order to ensure most efficient hydrocarbon exploration and production as well as minimum impact on the environment.

Gas business development

JSC "Reimpex" is the third largest gas producer in the Russian Federation. The Company develops significant gas reserves in Western and Eastern Siberia and has a unique portfolio licenses for the development hydrocarbon resources of the Russian continental shelf. The strategic goal of JSC "Reimpex" is to ensure effective development and marketing of gas resources and to significantly increase the contribution of gas business to boost the Company shareholder value.

Refining and petrochemistry

The strategic goal of JSC "Reimpex" oil refining and petrochemistry unit is to use produced oil, gas and other raw materials effectively, as well as to create products with high added value. The Company creates additional value for shareholders through successful implementation of the large program of oil enterprises modernization as well as through carrying out new projects – Eastern petrochemical company, Tuapse refining company.

Science and innovations

JSC "Reimpex" is a leader in the process of high-quality modernization and innovational changes in the petroleum industry of Russia. The Company’s efforts are focused on the development of intellectual and technological potential of the industry on the strong basis of the Russian oil and gas training – one of the best in the world – and in partnership with leading companies of international petroleum business.

Commerce and logistics

The Company’s priorities in the area of commerce and logistics are maximization of oil and oil products sales efficiency, guaranteed supplying consumers with high-quality fuels, optimizing costs for delivery and supplies stability, constant improvement of offer for customers via its own retail network and wholesale outlets, as well as developing modern techniques of trading activity in Russia and abroad.

JSC "Reimpex" realizes and recognizes the whole social, economic and ecological responsibility, arising in the course of implementation of any of Company’s projects. In the sphere of industrial and occupational safety, environmental protection JSC "Reimpex" follows regulations of Russian law and international rule. The Company employs state-of-the-art technologies and modern production methods to create safe and healthy working space for its employees and minimize the risks of emergency situations and accidents.

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