Home/Sustainable Development/Social priorities

Social Policy Of JSC "Reimpex"

Corporate social responsibility is a fundamental principle of JSC "Reimpex" operation. The Company's activities in this area are of systematic nature and they are aimed at creating efficient and safe working places, securing social protection of workers and members of their families, ongoing professional development of staff and maintaining a favorable social environment in the regions of the Company's activity.

Being a socially responsible member of society, the Company shall assume the following commitments to all the parties interested in the Company's operations:

  • strive to ensure that every employee will be truly proud to work for the Company;
  • cooperate with public organizations;
  • take care of the environment;
  • apply the latest technological achievements;
  • use its resources with maximum efficiency;
  • be intolerant to violations of labor and social discipline, corruption and bribery;
  • act in accordance with the highest ethical standards;
  • openly inform its shareholders, customers and employees about its activities;
  • appreciate and respect the employees;
  • protect the rights of the shareholders;
  • be a responsible partner of the State;
  • act in accordance with prevailing laws;

Principles of the Company’s social policy are as follows:

  • Support of young workers
  • Support of non-working pensioners
  • Non-governmental pension provision
  • Improving housing conditions
  • Training
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Social insurance
  • Social benefits and guarantees(Collective Agreement)

The main areas of the social programs are:

  • Job Creation
  • Social Aid to Population Groups Needing Support
  • Caring for the Health of the Company's Employees and Residents of the Region
  • Motherhood and Childhood Care
  • Health Care Support
  • Spiritual Revival
  • Culture Support
  • Education Support
  • Development of Mass Sports and Promotion of Healthy Lifestyle
  • Infrastructure Development of Cities and Towns
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